I do not understand: Ignorance

They say ignorance is bliss. To whom? Also who are they? These questions circle back to point out the naivety of a few. We jump to agree with all the “well you know what they say” beliefs. All the while we could never even begin to discover where the origin of the words reside. Ignorance is bliss to those who are ignorant. This sounds a lot more accurate. Walking with your head down neglects you from seeing and addressing the chaos on the horizon. Although do not be surprised when the chaos will still reach your feet. Leading you to look up, to question everything. Deciding to lack the knowledge and refusing change may seem easy, but you know what else “they” say? Don't take the easy way out. Today we face this head on, must I say it is a beautiful thing. To force the heads up from the grown, forcing people to look around. Many are starting to wake up from their subconscious sleep; finally. Bliss may only arise when we all come to terms with all that is happening. In other words; to compromise. Also aiming to be more selfless in a world of selfishness. 

The grand moral of community, morality, courage is to be sought after. What is life if not filled with lessons? Why fight the brick wall to drown the sounds behind you? Does owning up to lack of education make you look like such a coward? Rip out that ego and look around to see what matters. It is better to learn what you are unaware of. To look up and see the pain and sorrow. When something makes you uncomfortable that does not mean you should ignore it. You should learn to endure. Learning others perspectives or attempting when you cannot. Establishing a new found relationship with yourself. Try studying the world as if you are preparing for an exam. We often forget between all the clocking in and clocking out that the main clocking is “time”. We become drained from the inside out, compromising ourselves. . We have one life given to us since we came about. Why would we choose to tune all of life out? There is beauty, pain, trees, music, tears, and waves. So much to learn that could ease others' pain. If we would stop and practice active listening the amount of growth is endless. You learn so much through others' experiences. 

Attempting to understand is only the start line. The world beyond your bubble is relentless. Pop it for new beginnings. One may feel they don't care, or are scared. It is the bubbles around us that keep us unprepared. Would you live in a world where we all remain in individual bubbles? Unable to interact, love, comfort, learn one another? How draining it must be for people to sit in themselves, having only their own mind without any growth in sight. How could you ever argue on a concept you don't follow? Don't forget you only know what you have been told. So go out and form opinions of your own. Learn perspectives and beliefs. Or study things that carry no interest. Why? You'll still learn something. Something I will never understand is the ignorance people keep. While looking down, ignoring everything like sheep.


I do not understand: Love today.


I do not understand: Values.