.single today.
Over 40% of people in the United States are single. This causes me to wonder. How many of this 40 percent have had a great love. How many of them have had the one who got away? Do we have too many options? Do we fear sticking to that one person when there are so many to pursue? What makes someone so sure that they are done with the search. Is it the loss of a big love? Is it the distastefulness society has set over both women and men alike? Falters should not negate your perception of mankind. We should not despise the differences that set us apart.
The hate on men, the hate on women, the hate on anyone or anything that has done us wrong. If you have bad coffee do you quit forever? Or do you keep trying to find that shop that fits your taste just right? Why does it seem that we can't keep searching? So many times I have seen people give up on love. Despite obstacles or heartbreak I still don't see how this mindset could be right. It can't be better to give in. It has to be better to trust and get back up again. If anything is certain, change is. Change is a constant so does that not apply with people? I say we may have more than one big love. If one ends certainly the beauty doesn't diminish. The memories remain and the bliss that came with it. Us 40% with time still in it, forget all the drama and the unnecessary opinions of one another. Dwell in the now because things change so fluently. Enjoy the fact that you had any coffee at all. Because the good stuff wouldn't be appreciated without the drip coffee to set the bar tall. Enjoy the journey in all things, even the fall.
The saying goes “if you love something, set it free”. A lot of us have been in this place before. If you set them free and they float away into the world, does their love go with it? When we find another who we adore just as much does that mean we never truly loved before? Or is it possible that we can have many loves in this life? If we can love many friends, I don't see why we can't love many people romantically. Love doesn't have to be the same with each person. I think we can love many people in our lifetime. You may only ever find one love or you can find many. It might be our own insecurities that make this hard to face. You see, let's be adults and face reality head on. If you love someone you must come to terms with the fact that they have deeply loved another. Trust must be in place that their past loves won't rise again. That their past was a moment in time that they cannot relive again. Great love can be temporary, giving lessons to be learnt.
Don't hate one another for matters of the heart, bask in what you have in the moment you've been given. Trust. Even if you are unsure. Not a thing can be obtained without a sacrifice and that is for sure.